| 2. | Dairy product , ingredients and additives : milk & mixed milk product , cream & cream product , cheese , butter , dessert , dried milk product , delicacies - dairy product , ice - cream product , deli - bakery product , ingredients and additives , essence , perfume , ice cream stabilizer , ice cream oil , lactic acid , substituted coco fat , natural plant pigment , food coloring , sweet , ice cream special milk powder , milk essence , ice cream special protein powder , starch , lemon acid , natural condensed fruit juice , chocolate 成品:鲜奶、酸奶、奶油与奶油产品、奶酪、黄油、甜品、奶粉、奶片、各种精加工乳制品、初乳制品、冰淇淋、干酪素、各种配料添加剂香精、香料、冰淇淋复合乳化稳定剂、冰淇淋油脂、起酥油、乳化脱模油、乳酸、代可可脂、纯天然植物色素、食用色素、甜蜜素、冰淇淋专用原辅料及添加剂。 |